National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry
Traffic Control Innovations agrees and complies with the National Code of Practice for the Construction Industry.
Traffic Control Innovations has never been subject to any sanctions imposed under the guidelines. Nor have we ever had a judicial decision made against us, or any adverse court, tribunal, industrial relations commission or Fair Work Australia findings in regards to non-compliance of the code and guidelines.

Experience and compliance is crucial
Traffic Control Innovations commenced business in July 2014 although the Company Principals have been engaged in the Traffic Control Industry for over a decade.
Traffic Control Innovations has over 160 Traffic Controllers and 100 signage vehicles across 3 depots in South Brisbane, Gold Coast & Toowoomba. Apart from the Managing Director, we have two Regional Managers, OH & S Manager, two Planning and Permits Managers and additional Office staff.
Our company has an Enterprise Agreement with our staff under the Building and Construction (civil) On-site Award 2010. This agreement meets the Fair Work Australia NES standards and is in accordance with the ‘Modern Award’. Our employees are paid in accordance with our Enterprise Agreement.
Traffic Control Innovations has a fleet of 100 vehicles equipped with rotating and hazard lights with the very latest digital adjustable reversing beepers. Log books are maintained in each vehicle.
Traffic Control innovations prides itself on the stability of our workforce, where the majority of our 200 Traffic Controllers have been employed in continuous service to our Principals for some 5 years plus.
Third Party/Public Liability is in place in the sum of $20M with Lloyds of London. Within the same Policy they also cover us for Professional Indemnity Insurance. WorkCover Insurance is current for all of our Employees.
As a member of the Traffic Management Association of Queensland, we are very involved in working with the Queensland Department of Transport & Main Roads and are certified # 0218).
Traffic Control Innovations utilises and maintains an integrated management system combining both Safety and Quality management. Principles of our Quality, Environment, Health and Safety management system are listed in the integrated management system.
We also maintain a strict Environmental policy and are certified for the Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015

Key Performance Indicators Plan
Traffic Control Innovations has completed and been successful in the rigorous auditing process of the JAS-ANZ to become fully accredited in the ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, the ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System and the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System.
The ongoing requirements of these certifications coupled with our policies and procedures, ensure that all aspects of our service, including work undertaken by any subcontractors is continuously monitored to ensure high standards of performance at all times.
Management ensures that resources are planned and provided for the realisation of these plans. The achievement of CIP is reviewed by the Quality Manager and Executive Management.
Regular employee appraisals. These appraisals are held every six months between management and each employee. The purpose of these appraisals is to provide feedback on performance, identify performance areas requiring attention, and provide an opportunity for the employee to provide feedback.
Clear and open lines of communication at all times between management, employees and the customer. Onsite supervisors are to notify Management should any issues or concerns arise.
Regular Site Audits by Management to ensure all aspects of a project are continuing to run smoothly and in accordance with planned arrangements, relevant policies & procedures and standards.
Regular Vehicle Safety/Maintenance checks. Each month drivers of each Traffic Control Innovations vehicle conduct a vehicle safety/maintenance check. Each vehicle must comply with the detailed safety checklist. If there are areas of non-compliance then it is to be reported to the Plant and equipment Manager immediately.
Regular Equipment checks. Each month the Traffic Control Innovations site supervisor conducts and equipment safety/maintenance check. All equipment must comply with the detailed safety checklist. If there are areas of non-compliance then it is reported to the Plant and Equipment Manager immediately.
Regular Internal and external Quality and Safety audits. These audits are carried out in order to verify whether business processes, including quality, occupational health and safety and environment activities and related activities, conform with planned arrangements and to determine the conformance and effectiveness of the integrated management system with the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 standards and other standards as applicable to Traffic Control Innovations integrated management system.